Today we welcome Eileen Stephens Co-Founder of Tavia.  Tavia has the opportunity to be a wonderful company here in Charlotte.  The concept is a mix between Dollar Shave Club and Tom’s, except it is for feminine products.  The concept will allow women to have their product of choice delivered monthly to them (in a non-descriptive package) and have a year long supply of culturally appropriate product delivered to a school age girl in Africa initially (with the ability to expand to other areas).

Eileen and her Co-Founder Skip Amos are another set of mature entrepreneurs who are utilizing their contacts and resources to help them build the base of a company that can scale quite large.  It’s an awesome story and was a great opportunity for me to learn more from Eileen about how they done it and who has helped them along the way.

I hope you will enjoy the podcast as we explore some of the following:

When did the idea develop and what was the moment, or series of moments, leading into it?

How do you get used to things not going according to plan, or schedule, with the company?

How were they found the capital to help get the business off the ground?

Who is the recipient of the ‘give one’ model and how will that work?

What is the impact this will have on those communities?

How were they able to find the first school and what was it like visiting there?

How were they able to find such enthusiastic partners as the business developed?

As you listen, it becomes pretty apparent Tavia can be a really big company having a global impact, right here in Charlotte.  Listen in next week to learn more about the business and what they have up their sleeves for 2018!